Friday, January 27, 2017

Chapter 2.5: Manifest Destiny

Chapter 2 Lesson 5: Manifest Destiny

  1. Terms and People (p.53)
  2. Checkpoint (p.54): What role did Mountain Men and missionaries play in westward expansion?
  3. Checkpoint (p.55): What difficulties and opportunities awaited emigrants heading west?
  4. Checkpoint (p.56): What issues led Texas to seek independence from Mexico?
  5. Map Skills (p.57): #2 & 3
  6. Checkpoint (p.58): What advantages did the United States enjoy in the Mexican-American War?
  7. Chinese Miners (p.58): What problems did the Chinese face in California?
  8. Checkpoint (p.59): How did the terms of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo affect the United States?
  9. Lesson 5 Assessment: #3, 4, 5 & 6
Hip Hughes History explains Manifest Destiny in 5 Minutes:

Andrew Jackson:
Back in the 1970's the concept was explained to kids in Schoolhouse Rock as "Elbow Room":

It's even been put into rap:

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