Friday, September 30, 2016

Journal Write: Pick a President

Journal Write #1: Pick a President
(1/2 page journal write)

What Makes a Great President?

As you read the article, What Makes a Great President, answer the following questions in solid paragraphs:
  1. Great Expectations:  How is the President's Power Limited?
  2. The "Bully Pulpit":  What policy or cause would YOU use with The Bully Pulpit if you were to become President?  Why?
  3. Facing Crises:  What are the biggest potential crises facing future Presidents?
  4. Who is Best Qualified?:  What qualities make someone qualified to be a great President?  Are there any qualities that a President MUST have?  Why?
  5. Passing the Test:  How important is character when selecting a President?  Why?
  6. What are the biggest issues in our country that our President(s) should focus on?  Why?
Taking a Toll: The Stress of Being President

And now we have this:

Should we focus more on candidates health?  Should we consider the Vice President more?  What do we know about them?

9.4: The United States and Latin America / Chapter 9 Assessment

Chapter 9.4: The United States and Latin America
  • Geography and History (p.271)
    • By how much did the Panama Canal shorten the distance between San Francisco and Jupiter, Florida?
    • Which methods of malaria control involved direct changes to the physical environment of the Canal Zone?
  • Map Skills (p.272)
    • #2: Why was Panama an ideal place for the construction of a canal?
    • #3: Why was Cuba vital to U.S. operations in Central America and the Caribbean?
  • NoteTaking (p.273)
    • Complete the flowchart
  • Thinking Critically (p.274)
    • #1: Analyze Information
    • #2: Draw Conclusions
  • Section 4 Assessment:
    • #4: Analyze Geography
    • #5: Identify Assumptions
    • #6: Draw Conclusions
Video Summary:  Take notes on and summarize the video (below)

Chapter 9 Assessment  (pp. 278-279)
  • Terms and People:  1, 2, 3, 4, 5
  • Focus Questions:  6, 7, 8, 9
  • Critical Thinking:  10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16
  • Document Based Assessment:  1, 2, 3

US in Latin America: Early American Intervention:  Video Removed

Thursday, September 29, 2016

9.3: The United States and East Asia

  • Thinking Critically (p.265):
    1. How did the Filipino uprising present a new challenge to American soldiers?
    2. What two things happened in 1901 that signaled a shift in the rebellion?
  • Section 3 Assessment (p.267):
    • #1: Terms and People
    • #4: Recognize Bias
    • #5: Analyze Information
    • #6: Apply Information
Theodore Roosevelt Fights in the Spanish American War
The Russo-Japanese War, Theodore Roosevelt
The Boxer Rebellion
The Great White Fleet

Monday, September 26, 2016

Current Events: Presidential Vision

Below are excerpts from speeches by our current Presidential candidates outlining what they plan to do with their Presidency:

Donald Trump: 
Hillary Clinton: 
(Looking for a good video)
Gary Johnson: 

8.5: Wilson's New Freedom

  • Vocabulary (p.240): Tell my WHY these items are significant (in your own words).
    • Sixteenth Amendment
    • Federal Reserve Act
    • Federal Trade Commission
  • Critical Thinking (p.243) # 4, 5 & 6
  • Discuss Progressive Era Legislation and Constitutional Amendments (p.242):  In a couple paragraphs, explain what you think the focus of the country was during the Progressive Era.
Woodrow Wilson
  1. Take some notes on this clip.
  2. Is the clip favorable of President Wilson as a man?  As a President?  Why do you think that?
  3. Answer: In one paragraph, describe Wilson's Presidency and share your opinion of the job he did?

Now we'll watch another documentary clip:

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

"Watch the News" Update

After a weekend of terrorist attacks (bombs, stabbings, etc.)... THIS is the headline for today.

Monday, September 19, 2016

Extra Credit Opportunities

(see below for content standards)

  1. Writing Prompts:  You know those "Journal Writes" that we do occasionally?  Come up with some good writing prompts that are interesting for students but also incorporate class material.  For example, The Spanish American War, Women's Suffrage, World War I, Presidential Elections, Invention, etc.
  2. Project Ideas:  Come up with a new approach to a lesson plan.  Instead of "Read the chapter and answer these questions" give me some projects or lesson ideas.  Maybe do some Googling and find some good lessons for a specific topic from the class that interests you.
  3. Good Supplemental Videos:  When I cover a topic from the book I like to show short clips from movies or documentaries to help illustrate the lesson.  Find good clips that are interesting to students and get the links to me to check out.
  4. Decorations:  We could really use more classroom decorations.  Maybe an old railroad lantern or a coal miner's helmet or some things to hang on the wall.  My "US 101" sign has been popular so maybe a 25W or I75 road sign -- or a STOP sign or a WRONG WAY sign.  (Don't take them from the streets!)
  5. Classroom Needs:  We really need book shelves, a large clock, and some wall hangings.
  6. Mannequins:  We have discussed putting in mannequins (one male and one female) that we could dress up in clothes of the period we are covering.  If you know any places to find mannequins cheap, that would be fun.  Also, if you have clothing/costumes for mannequins for when we DO get them, that would be great.
  7. Assisting:  Passing out papers, taking attendance, keeping the classroom clean, erasing/cleaning desks, etc. are good ways of getting some extra credit points.

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Journal Write: City vs. Country

Take 10 minutes to discuss whether you would rather live in the city or in the country.  You should make a solid argument for your decision and convince me that you are correct.

Title:  City vs. Country

Friday, September 2, 2016

Labor Day: Origins of a Holiday

Note: Monday is Labor Day!  Three day weekend!!!  But what is "Labor Day" about?

Labor Day is today considered a day for relaxation, BBQ's, and a nice day off of work.  But where did it begin?