Monday, January 8, 2018

Begin Semester

Some Maps

The Big Questions

When you think about an event in history, the event really involves 7 "Big Questions".  If you want to tell someone about the history of something, ask yourself the following questions:

Discussion: Education

We'll discuss the economic implications of changing educational paradigms and the business of testing.  We will also discuss the tendency to assume that someone is "smart" or "dumb" based on their ability to pass a given test.
Finally, we will discuss "Changing Education Paradigms" to look at education from a different perspective.

Videos for Class Discussion: Apathy, Empathy, Education and Holding On

I have a couple videos that I want to use for class discussion.  Throughout this course I will be giving you videos or pictures such as these as journal writing topics.  Please get a notebook that you will use as a journal.
Apathy: A Poem

Under the Surface: Empathy Film  
Don't Stay in School: 
Finish Line: PSA Foundation [Keep Holding On]