Thursday, November 10, 2016

Election 2016 Results

This has been a crazy election, but it's finally over.  President-Elect Donald Trump will lead this country with his Vice President Elect, Mike Pence.

The President: Donald R. Trump
Other sites have done live forecasts -- but now that almost all votes are counted and approved, this is the current forecast (as of 11/10/16 08:40):

Donald Trump's Full Presidential Acceptance Speech:
Hillary Clinton Full Concession Speech:
President Obama Full Speech on Donald Trump Win:

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

A letter to your future self…

[ i'm writing this on my phone since my computer won't work. Please forgive any weird spelling or grammar issues.]

Your assignment today is simply to write a letter to your future self - 10 years in the future. Include the following sections:

1. Tell your future self about you today.   You can include things such as: Who are your friends? What are your favorite foods? Do you have any favorite restaurants? Who are the friends you'll have forever?  What is something about yourself that you hope never changes? Basically anything that tells your future self who you are today.

2.  Explain to  future you what is going on in the news. Include important things like the presidential election, and other  major news stories. How do you think this election will play out in the long run? What will the Trump presidency been known for? Will it be a good thing or a bad thing?  What are some laws that you hope or changed in the future – – and some laws you hope don't change?

3.  What sorts of inventions or technologies do you hope there are in 10 years? You can talk about things like video games, movies, foods, travel, education, telephones, jobs, etc.

Note:   I want you to really think these things out. You're finished assignment should be about a page – – or more.

Thursday, November 3, 2016

Essay: Social and Cultural Tensions

Today you will outline and begin writing a draft for an essay involving one of the Social and Cultural Tensions of this era.  The final essay (typed or written very neatly) is due Friday, but the complete outline is due by tomorrow.

Choose a topic from the list below:
  • Compare and Contrast the views of Religious Fundamentalism and Evolution and how they affected society in the 1920's.
  • Compare and Contrast opinions about Immigration in the 1920's and how those views affected society.
  • Compare and Contrast opinions about Prohibition in the 1920's and the affects it had on society.
Outline your 5 paragraph essay with good topic sentences for each of your paragraphs.  Make sure the first paragraph is a strong paragraph which engages the reader and sets up the essay. 

Use your textbook as a reference!  There may be other chapters that deal with your issue as well, so check your Index.

Utilize a second source (see front table) to support your essay.

Include at least one Primary Source.

For homework, find at least one other source to reference for your essay.

Remember to cite your sources!

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

11.5: The Harlem Renaissance

11.5: The Harlem Renaissance
  • Checkpoint (p.357): How did jazz spread from its roots in the South to the North in the 1920s?
  • Section 5 Assessment (p.358): #4, 5 & 6
  • Two Poems by Langston Hughes (p.359): #1 & 2
  • Read the "Dreams" poem by Langston Hughes and write your own verse.
    • Hold fast to dreams
      For _________________.
      Life is a _____________.

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Chapter 11.4: A New Mass Culture

11.4: A New Mass Culture
  • Checkpoint (p.345): How did movies and the radio cut across geographic barriers?
  • Checkpoint (p.346): How did the new mass media contribute to the popularity of heroes?
  • Note Taking (p.346): Women in the 1920's
  • The New Woman? (p.347): #1 & 2
  • Section 4 Assessment (p.351): #3, 4, 5, 6
Ain't We Got Fun:
Flappers: The Roaring Twenties

Examples of movies and music:

Al Jolson starred in the first "talkie" -- a movie with actual voices.