Monday, September 26, 2016

8.5: Wilson's New Freedom

  • Vocabulary (p.240): Tell my WHY these items are significant (in your own words).
    • Sixteenth Amendment
    • Federal Reserve Act
    • Federal Trade Commission
  • Critical Thinking (p.243) # 4, 5 & 6
  • Discuss Progressive Era Legislation and Constitutional Amendments (p.242):  In a couple paragraphs, explain what you think the focus of the country was during the Progressive Era.
Woodrow Wilson
  1. Take some notes on this clip.
  2. Is the clip favorable of President Wilson as a man?  As a President?  Why do you think that?
  3. Answer: In one paragraph, describe Wilson's Presidency and share your opinion of the job he did?

Now we'll watch another documentary clip:

Judge Napolitano: How Teddy Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson Destroyed Constitutional Freedom

This one is mostly just the Judge and the interviewer talking, but listen to what is said.
  1. Why do you think he has a difference of opinion about Presidents Teddy Roosevelt or Woodrow Wilson?

It's important to know that Judge Napolitano is a purist when it comes to the Constitution.  He believes that the Constitution is *THE* law of the land and should be followed no matter what.  He's also very outspoken about the government having too much control of our personal lives.

Here's a clip showing a few of his opinions:

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