Friday, September 30, 2016

Journal Write: Pick a President

Journal Write #1: Pick a President
(1/2 page journal write)

What Makes a Great President?

As you read the article, What Makes a Great President, answer the following questions in solid paragraphs:
  1. Great Expectations:  How is the President's Power Limited?
  2. The "Bully Pulpit":  What policy or cause would YOU use with The Bully Pulpit if you were to become President?  Why?
  3. Facing Crises:  What are the biggest potential crises facing future Presidents?
  4. Who is Best Qualified?:  What qualities make someone qualified to be a great President?  Are there any qualities that a President MUST have?  Why?
  5. Passing the Test:  How important is character when selecting a President?  Why?
  6. What are the biggest issues in our country that our President(s) should focus on?  Why?
Taking a Toll: The Stress of Being President

And now we have this:

Should we focus more on candidates health?  Should we consider the Vice President more?  What do we know about them?

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